Talking to the crickets

Welcome to the First Issue of the Financial Roots Newsletter!

Hello everyone,

Newsletter issue #1.

It’s moments like these when I feel the need to browse the web for some ancient quotes for inspiration.

One stood out:

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step”

Lao Tzu

I took this proverbial first step back in August 2022– the month I decided to start my Twitter account.

Since then it's been a journey filled with hours of writing, engaging and a healthy dose of cringe. But also with meeting hundreds of people from all over the globe I would never have met otherwise.

So to anyone who thinks putting yourself out there is a waste of time– and I was in that boat for 25 years– you are wrong. The opportunities it has brought me far outweigh the ‘costs’.

But I digress, because that is not what this newsletter is about.

Still, before I get into the what and the why of this newsletter, let me introduce myself.

Who am I?

I am a banker by trade, but a country boy at heart.

Working in the city has squeezed a decade's worth of learning into a handful of years, and it thought me how to analyse any business.

But when I reflect back, it is my time back at home in the family business, growing millions of tulips, that has shaped me into who I am today.

Having lived in these two contrasting worlds:
– the countryside with vast and peaceful views
– and the city filled with skyscrapers
I’ve come to realise the stark difference between how business gets done in both.

There are millions of family-run and small businesses that never had the financial support or education they need to truly grow their business.

And I know that the suits in the world of high finance have kept finance ambiguous, intimidating and hard to understand.

Why I am writing this

To help (aspiring) business owners, much like my family, with their financial strategy and give them the insights they need to feel in control and grow their business.

My target readers are those in the agricultural sector.

The entrepreneurs that are passionate about their products and animals, but might miss the financial education or motivation that is required to run a successful business.

That is why I called this newsletter “Financial Roots”. Because as all farmers will know, you can’t grow something beautiful and lasting without giving it the time and care it needs to grow strong roots.

But that said, every (aspiring) entrepreneur will face the same challenges. So this newsletter can cater to all and everyone that wants to learn about finance.

What I truly want is for you to read this and feel inspired and ready to implement something, so you can make more money, save time, or reach whatever your goal is.

I hope you will enjoy these letters, and would love to hear from you and connect.

I will end it with one of my favourite quotes:

“If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.”

Henry Ford

I hope to see you next week,
